
The launch of the Founder's Cups runs for the international participants in the King Abdulaziz Falcon Festival pattern

Today, the final rounds of the international participants in the King Abdulaziz Falcon Festival 2022 began, under the name of the King Abdulaziz Cup, which is organized by the Saudi Falcons Club at its headquarters in Mulham, north of Riyadh, with the participation of a large number of professional falconers and owners from the Gulf countries and the world.
Today, 153 falcons competed in eight runs for international professionals and owners in the 400-meter Al-Melwah competition, where he won the King Abdulaziz Cup for the professional Shaheen Farkh category, the Bahraini falconer Ahmed bin Abdul Wahhab Al-Hajri with the falcon "Thabit S47" in 20.518 seconds, in addition to obtaining the second and third places in the competition. King Abdulaziz Cup in the professional Shaheen Qirnas category, while the Emirati F3-S falconer won first place in this race with his "Molham" falcon in 19.603 seconds, and second place in the professional Shaheen Farkh race, followed by Bahraini Mohammed bin Abdulwahab Al-Hajri.
The Emirati falconer, Hamad bin Ahmed Mejren, won the King’s Cup for the Abdulaziz category, a professional chick with his falcon “45” in a time of 19.268 seconds, followed by Bahraini Muhammad bin Jassim Al Thawadi and Emirati Muhammad bin Ali Al Balushi, while the Qatari falconer Mubarak bin Abdul Hadi bin Nayfa managed to win the Cup. King Abdulaziz, free class Qirnas, professional with the falcon "Dharb" in a time of 17.913 seconds, and the Emirati F3-S returned to come second, and his compatriot Muhammad bin Ali Al Balushi third.
The Qatari falconer Abdul Mohsen bin Muhammad Al-Marri was able to grab the King Abdulaziz Cup in the Shaheen Farkh Malak category, achieving a time of 19.367 seconds with the “floating” falcon. The Kuwaiti Fahd bin Muhammad Al-Mulla came in second place, followed by the Emirati Sultan bin Ali Al-Neyadi, while the Qatari falconer Abdulaziz bin Mubarak won. Al-Maadeed won the King Abdulaziz Cup for the Shaheen Qarnas Malak category, with his falcon “DK” in 17.610 seconds, followed by Emirati Hamad bin Faleh Al-Nuaimi in the second and third places.
As for the King Abdulaziz Cup for the category of free chick owners, the Kuwaiti falconer Khaled bin Fahd Al-Rashidi dominated his first and second place with his falcon “Muqdam and Zahah”, during 18.727 and 18.833 seconds, followed by the Qatari Muhammad bin Jassim Al-Kuwari, and as for the King Abdulaziz Cup category, free Qirnas owners, the falconer captured him Qatari Hamad bin Muhammad bin Nayfa with the falcon “Haddad” in 18.302 seconds, and his compatriot Abdulaziz bin Mubarak Al-Maadeed came in second place, and Kuwaiti Ahmed bin Saleh Al-Rashidi came third.

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